If You've Been Thinking About it - Now is The Time To Act
By Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting
I've been telling you about Thomas for the past week. If you're feeling a book is in your future, you really need to attend tonight's webinar starting in just a few hours. https://schoolofpodcasting.com/booklaunch
The best part of the webinar is when Thomas Umstattd Jr. will answer your book launch questions. He has a HUGE amount of knowledge and insights about publishing, marketing, and of course - He's a podcaster!
Webinar Details:
- Topic: Book Launch Secrets
- Hosted By: Dave Jackson and James L. Rubart. Christy Hall of Fame author or book marketing guru, Thomas Umstattd Jr.
- When: April 5th, at 5 PM ET
- Registration Link: https://schoolofpodcasting.com/booklaunchsecrets
- Cost: Free
- Replay? Yes, but only if you register.
This is my last "Nudge" and I know you've been thinking about it. Let me remind you. There is no cost for the webinar, and you will be able to move forward in confidence knowing you and your book are headed in the right direction.
I've already attended the webinar (I wanted to see if before promoting it, and I know a lot of you are working on, or planning books) and it has some great information.
See you there!
Dave Jackson
2018 Hall of Fame Inductee
Podcast Consultant, Speaker, Author