By Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting
I forgot to mention the webinar coming up in the email this week and the webinar is right around the corner.
If you want proven methods to make your next book launch more successful? Then I want to tell you about a webinar I’m co-hosting that will do exactly that. In the webinar, you’ll learn proven principles and methods to help your next book launch go off with a bang.
Then, at the end of the webinar, Thomas Umstattd Jr. or James L. Rubart and I will answer your book launch questions.
Webinar Details:
- Topic: Book Launch Secrets
- Hosted By: Dave Jackson and James L. Rubart. Christy Hall of Fame author or book marketing guru, Thomas Umstattd Jr.
- When: April 5th, at 5 PM ET
- Registration Link: https://schoolofpodcasting.com/booklaunchsecrets
- Cost: Free
- Replay? Yes, but only if you register.
I’ve known Thomas for a long time. He hosts Novel Marketing, the longest-running book marketing podcast in the world, and has helped authors successfully launch books for over a decade. I really, really, REALLY, wish I had Thomas look over the contract I had when I wrote my book a few years ago.
I’ve known Jim for a long time. He’s a bestselling, Christy Hall of Fame author and has been a marketing pro for more than 20 years. Suffice it to say he knows his stuff.
To have both of these guys on the call at the same time is pretty amazing.
I've already attended the webinar (I wanted to see if before promoting it, and I know a lot of you are working on, or planning books) and it has some great information.
See you there!
Dave Jackson
2018 Hall of Fame Inductee
Podcast Consultant, Speaker, Author