Ulla Smart Hydration Reminder
I've tried other smart bottles, and they had fun apps, etc. but I like MY bottle, and there was some setup involved, and it wasn't always accurate. I can track how much I drink in MyFitnessPal (or many other apps) but I often sit at my desk in the morning and 10:30 rolls around and I haven't taken a sip. That is where the Ulla Smart Hydration Reminder comes into play. It's a very small device that has a motion detector and knows when you're around. Then when time rolls by (typically 30-40 minutes) it blinks to remind you to drink. The blinking pattern was developed in a way that it stimulates peripheral sight. In other words, you'll notice the alert even out of the corner of your eye. It comes with a band that allows you to attach it to any bottle.
When it arrives, you simply pull a piece of plastic off to allow the battery to get plugged in, and grab the band and attach it to your bottle. I've been using it today and every now and then it starts blinking. I take a drink and it stops. Right now it's on sale for $19.60+ shipping. Originally it was supposed to take two weeks to get here (it is coming from overseas) but it got here in about a week.
You don't have to worry about turning it on or off. Ulla is fully automatic, there aren’t any buttons to push – it powers on and turns off automatically. Ulla senses your presence and ambient light. As a result, it goes to sleep when the lights go out or when you miss two hydration cycles.
It does not make any sound so it doesn't annoy your co-workers.
If you're looking to ramp up your water intake, this is a super easy mild reminder to keep hydrated.
Apple Cider Vinegar
A blog post on MyFitnessPal shows how this may not be as cool. For example, ACV (cause we're too lazy to say Apple Cider Vinegar) may decrease appetite. OF COURSE IT DOES (it tastes awful).
See the full post at https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/can-apple-cider-vinegar-fix-all-my-problems/
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