Well in the US we had a holiday and today we are back to the grind. Well here are some podcasts to keep you entertained.
Jen Briney Gets Almost 10K downloads Per Month and she is just now starting to promote her show (and a brief appearance from John F Kennedy as a podcaster) go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/530
Are you losing your audience in Jargon? On a recent episode of the Podcast Review Show Eric and I got LOST in the hosts Jargon. We talk about this in
www.schoolofpodcasting.com/529 this has lead me to start a "Podcast Glossary" of terms that we all use that many people may not ask, "What's a double ender?"
New York Times Best Selling Author Malcom Gladwell is all about podcasting now. Read about it here http://buff.ly/2c32RYc
Pat Flynn launches his own theme with Studio Press. So now you an look and feel like Pat Flynn.
Here is a video showing it off. http://buff.ly/2c9Mgk2
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