Hello ,
Some days technology is not your friend. For everyone who was expecting a Podcasting Puzzle webinar today, you will see (if you attend the webinar on Wednesday or Saturday) where I am using a company called Zoom.us. When I schedule a meeting, it puts it "automatically" on my Google calendar.
So I should've realized when my brother asked me to come help him at his house that:
A) My calendar was 100% clear on a Saturday (rare for me)
B) A few people had emailed asking for the link, to which I answered you will get it the day of the webinar.
The bad news is this was after the webinar was schedule (And my brother's internet is spotty at best).
So my apologies, I will now double check my calendar when something "Automatically Schedules it for me."
Here are the upcoming dates:
This Wednesday 8-9 PM EST
This Saturday 1 -2 PM EST
I will be putting out the best version of the webinar one the 28th after the last webinar. So if you come Wednesaday night (or last Saturday) the video is coming the 28th.
I promise I will be there, and again I apologize.
Dave Jackson
Personal Podcast Coach