Do you know how many people listen or watch your podcast? Do you have stats? Are they accurate? Would you know if they weren't?
Podcast audience measurement can be a tricky thing. Most of us leave that task to our podcast media host or some other third party stat tracking service. But how do they measure stats and who is doing it most accurately?
Many companies and member groups have been working on podcast audience measurement since podcasts began but not everyone agrees on how this should be done. In other words, not everybody counts downloads the same.
Join Ray Ortega, +David Jackson+Daniel J. Lewis+Rob Greenlee and +Todd Cochrane to discuss the past, present and future of stat tracking, who will set the standard and what it all means to the average podcaster.
Check the Event Page (right side labeled "Details") for the time in your timezone and to RSVP. For me, it's 7:30 PM EST
One more thing.....
How NOT To Approach Podcasters
OK, I've had it with template emails from people who have no clue what my show is about. I hope and pray you are not doing this strategy.
Dave Jackson
Podcast Consultant