Check out this week's podcast.
Listener Comments:
Happy 2016 Dave!
I love, love, love your podcast. I’ve been listening since June 2012. I’m so incredibly proud of you eating for health. Dumping sugar. Dumping empty calories from fast “Fraken” foods. Working more activity into your daily routine. Taking care of yourself.
I lost my weight (50 lbs) early on and I keep listening to podcasts like yours to stay motivated in my Sugar and Starch dodging lifestyle. You are always upbeat. I love your voice, your corny jokes, and fun sense of humor.
I’m writing to challenge you to keep pod casting, at least monthly, for a year AFTER you hit your goal weight. Staying on target after you are rocking your (insert size here) jeans turns out to be tougher than I anticipated and I’m really looking forward to your insights.You are always so full of tips, tricks and heartfelt sharing of your trials. You turned me on to FitBit (pedometer on steroids) and I look forward to your tech reviews. Keep it up for 2016!
So happy/ proud/ encouraged for you finally eating like a person who gives a damn about themselves and their world.
Thank You for sharing with all of us.
Best ,
Laura in Oregon
New Fitness TV Shows: My Diet's Better Than Yours
I actually like the new show. It focuses on a bunch of what appears to be fad diets, but in the end they all seem to focus on quality foods, and exercise. The diets that didn't, didn't seem to have as much impact. I don't think the Paleo or on the other side Vegan are the way to go. Everything in moderation, and focus on protein, fruits and vegetables. I like My Diet's Better Than Yours (Thursdays nights on ABC) because it focuses more on food than something like the Biggest Loser (which is also back). You also need to get your head in the game, and there is one diet that is called the No Diet Diet. That program focuses on getting your brain right.
What Dave is Listening to: Always Hungry
David S. Ludwig has a new book where he looks at how we treat obesity currently and if there is science to back up the way we treat this condition. His groundbreaking studies show that overeating doesn't make you fat; the process of getting fat makes you overeat. That's because fat cells play a key role in determining how much weight you gain or lose. Low-fat diets work against you, by triggering fat cells to hoard more calories for themselves, leaving too few for the rest of the body. This "hungry fat" sets off a dangerous chain reaction that leaves you feeling ravenous as your metabolism slows down. Cutting calories only makes the situation worse-creating a battle between mind and metabolism that we're destined to lose. You gain more weight, even as you struggle to eat less food. ALWAYS HUNGRY? turns dieting on its head with a three-phase program that ignores calories and targets fat cells directly
Available at